年節尾聲🌸,許多人都陸續開始開工、開學囉~ ‼
🎓#開工 有幾種說法
👉 Let's kick off (the work) !
👉 resume business
👉 On the first business day of the Chinese Lunar New Year
時代在變,語言說法也跟著變,現在開工最口語化的說法是👉 Let's kick off (the work) ! 👅
1⃣ According to the schedule, we are going to resume business on 2/16.
2⃣ On the first business day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, we usually worship Gods and get the lucky money.
🎓 #開學 又有幾種說法呢
👉 back to school
英文總是直白的,開學直接用「返回校園」來表示 😆
新學期👉 new semester
延後開學 👉 extend spring break or extend Chinese New Year
1⃣ After 7 days of New Year’s holidays, we will back to school tomorrow.
2⃣ A new semester has started, I’m so excited.
3⃣ Due to the COVID-19, many schools will extend spring breaks for few days.
Don't get me wrong …..你會怎麼造句呢?
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