288 Peace Memorial day is a national holiday in Taiwan.
The origin of 288 Peace Memorial Day is a sorrowful history.
🎓 相關單字
1⃣ Peace Memorial day 和平紀念日
例句 👉288 Peace Memorial day is a national holiday in Taiwan.
2⃣ Inner peace 內在平靜;平心靜氣
在「功夫熊貓2」電影中內常提到 Inner Peace;中國武俠中,習慣將「人生體悟」和「武術境界」劃上等號,其實Inner peace,就是放下仇恨,做出正確的抉擇。
例句 👉 Inner peace can improve inner strength.
3⃣ live in peace 和平相處
例句 👉I just moved in this community, I will live in peace with neighbors.
4⃣ 白色恐怖 White Terror
5⃣戒嚴時期 period of martial law
6⃣ 戰爭與和平 War and peace
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