Hana Bank in South Korea has launched a new service that rewards savers with better interest rates if they are able to lose weight. The savings scheme is called “S-Line,” a Korean word that refers to a curvy, hourglass figure, and it has proven popular since its introduction in 2008. Around 50,000 customers have so far saved about 400 billion won (NT$10.5 billion) with the scheme.
南韓的韓亞銀行最近推出一項新服務,該服務可以讓減肥成功的客戶得到較好的存款利息。這個存款計畫稱為「S-Line」,這個韓國字的意思是富有曲線,前凸後翹的身材,自從2008年推出之後,民眾對此的反應非常熱烈。 目前這個計畫大約已經讓5萬名客戶存到4 兆韓幣 (105億新台幣)。
South Korea has been described as a nation that’s obsessed with image, and the popularity of weight-loss accounts shows just how important it is for people there to stay in shape. With the Hana Bank account, customers are entitled to improved rates if they lose 5% of their body weight in a year or keep up their gym membership.
南韓是一個非常重視身材的國家,減肥帳戶的熱門程度足以顯示一般民眾非常看重身材的保持。根據韓亞銀行的政策,如果客戶可以在一年內減掉5% 的體重或是繼續保有健身房會員資格,他們就有資格獲得較高的存款利率。
Unusual and innovative savings schemes are the norm in Korea, and Kookmin Bank now has its own smartphone package. When savers forego their regular cup of coffee or a taxi ride, they can click on an appropriate icon on their phone, and the bank will automatically deposit money in their account. Speaking about the unorthodox accounts, one Korean office worker said: “I would be proud of myself to see more money coming in as a reward for my strict regimen.”
罕見且創新的存款計畫在韓國是屢見不鮮,韓國國民銀行現在也推出自己的智慧型手機套裝。當存款者不喝咖啡或者搭計程車,他們只需按一下手機上的特定符號,銀行就會自動把錢存進他們的帳號裡。 論及非正統的帳戶,某位韓國上班族表示「如果我的帳戶能夠因為嚴謹生活作息而增加,我一定會以此為榮。」