20221209 Dawn-你的保鮮期有比萵苣的久嗎?-01.jpg

Is your “shelf life” longer than an iceberg lettuce’s?

If so, you outdo the former British Prime Minister Liz Truss.

#你的保鮮期有比萵苣的久嗎 有,你就勝過英國前任首相啦


先是 #經濟學人雜誌 (The Economist) 在 10月 11日專欄中批評時任首相特拉斯 (Liz Truss) 主政七天就搞砸了,把她比做是萵苣:

She blew up her own government……she had seven days in control. That is roughly the shelf-life of a lettuce.


有家 #英國小報 (tabloid) The Daily Star 把這個類比 (analogy) 具體化。他們將超市買來的結球萵苣 (iceberg lettuce) 和Truss 的相片放在一起,每天開直播 (live-stream),看看是生菜先蔫掉 (wither),還是首相先掰掰。👀

Day one: Which wet lettuce will last longer


結果如何,已成往事。除了羨慕  #英國人高雅的譏諷 ,我們還是正經點兒,學英文吧



1⃣ shelf life 農產、食品、藥品等可在店中販售、或可使用的保質期。

2⃣ lifespan 生物的壽命;事物的效期

3⃣ tenure 擔任某職位的在任期間

4⃣ decay 逐漸衰敗

5⃣ expiration date (美式) / expiry date (英式) 到期日

20221209 Dawn-你的保鮮期有比萵苣的久嗎?-02.jpg 


1⃣ outlast 比…活得久

​    Can a lettuce outlast Truss?


2⃣ survive 在困境中存活下來

​​    Can she survive longer than off-the-shelf produce?


3⃣ prolong 延長

​​    Did they try to prolong the vegetable’s life?


4⃣ (someone’s days) are numbered 來日無多,日子倒數了

​​    Her days in the job were numbered.


20221209 Dawn-你的保鮮期有比萵苣的久嗎?-03.jpg




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