AI Technology (人工智慧) 你知多少,

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AI Technology is rarely simply good or bad – but using it can have #positive(正面) or #negative(負面) results. It depends on who is #creating(創造力) it and how it is being used.
For example: 

人工智慧(artificial intelligence)科技很難全然定位是好或是壞一切端看我們怎麼去創造以及應用它 比如:

AI applications can help you develop new skills,  #improve(增進) your vocabulary and increase your knowledge through #tutoring(面授式) sessions. However, AI systems need a lot of data to learn, and if sensitive  personal data(個資) is collected, it can have an #impact(衝擊) on your right to #privacy(隱私)

我們可以透過人工智慧(AI)來培養新的技能,增進我們的單字量,或者累積知識;然而, 人工智慧也在同時需要大量去搜集用戶私人偏好或機密個資,若是私密個資部慎也被搜集利用,倘若資訊落入不肖份子手中,將難保不會引發一場侵害隱私的網路災難。




1⃣ AGI:能完全模仿人類的稱作Strong AI Artificial General Intelligence (AGI),目前尚未出現

2⃣ Technology Singularity:技術奇點

3⃣ Algorithm:演算法

4⃣ Machine learning機器學習


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