◎ 應試注意事項
◎ 考試流程
初審:視力檢查→筆試→口試        複審:小組討論→個別口試
◎ 小組討論(一組五至六人,全程英文討論)
1. 列出五個國家,請問你最想去的國家是哪一個?為什麼?
2. 為什麼要考空服員?說說你的理由?
◎ 面試題庫
※ Please introduce yourself.
※ What sorts of work do your other family members do?
※ Did you join any activities in school?
※ Our cabin crew come from different countries, how will you get along with them?
※ Did you have any working experience?
※ What do you usually do during a day?
※ Tell me about your strength and your shortcoming?What are your hobbies?
※ What do you plan to do in the future?
※ Do you like to travel?What countries have you been to?
What places have you visited?Which place gave you the deepest impression?
◎ 筆試範例(聽力、閱讀測驗、作文、挑錯、填充、英翻中)
1. (A)This boy is going to ______ school for the first time.
    A. ×    B. a    C. the
2. (B)He works hard ______ his family.
    A. that    B. for    C. so
3. (C)Study hard ______ you will succeed in the end.
    A. but    B. or    C. and
4. (C)Don’t ______ ill of others behind their backs.
    A. tell    B. say    C. speak
5. (D)There is a lot of advice which my mother would very much like to give, but she 
      always ______ that we do not listen to any words of hers.
      A. say    B. speaks    C. talks    D. says


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