9/1 14:00 中度颱風梅莎於台灣右側形成帶來雨勢
1⃣ typhoon 颱風
2⃣ hurricane 颶風
3⃣ cover Taiwan 籠罩
4⃣ called off school and work 停班停課
5⃣ issue a sea warning for the typhoon 發佈海上颱風警報
6⃣ Tropical Depression 熱帶低氣壓(縮寫T.D.)
7⃣ shower 陣雨
8⃣ extremely heavy rain 豪大雨
9⃣ thundershower 雷陣雨
🔟 thunderstorm 雷雨
⭐另外 hurricane (颶風) 、 typhoon (颱風) 也是托福常見單字喲
1⃣ The typhoon is coming, we need to cancel the trip for next week.
2⃣ The weather forecaster said there will be a thunder shower tomorrow night.
3⃣ There was an extremely heavy rain in the afternoon.
4⃣ The government has called off school and work today.
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