驅勢生活英語小教室 開課囉 🔔
一起來看看跟秋天相關的詩句吧 😉\
🎓 詩人眼中的秋天
1⃣ Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
– Albert Camus (諾貝爾文學獎得主)
2⃣ Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.
– Stanley Horowitz (美國詩人)
3⃣ I see the turning of a leaf dancing in an autumn sun, and brilliant shades of crimson glowing when a day is done.
– Hazelmarie Mattie Elliott (美國作家)
4⃣ I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.
– Lee Maynard (美國作家)
5⃣ Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.
– Shira Tamir (美國作家)
6⃣ Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.
– Lauren DeStefano (美國作家)
🎓 單字
1⃣ 秋天: #Fall (美式) / #Autumn (英式)
2⃣ 刻版畫:etching
3⃣ 水彩:watercolor
4⃣ 馬賽克:mosaic
5⃣ 明亮的;優秀的: brilliant
6⃣ 爆炸; 破裂:burst
🎓 片語
1⃣ on a windy day : 刮風的天
2⃣ autumn year : 晚年
3⃣ saving up :儲存;保留
🎓 例句
1⃣ Sandy is a famous watercolor painter. 珊蒂是一個著名的水彩畫家.
2⃣ Tom came up with a brilliant idea. 湯姆想出了一個絕妙的主意。
3⃣ I like to go for walk on a windy day. 我喜歡在微風的天散步
4⃣ He is saving up to buy a new car for his family. 為了家人,他正在存錢買一台新車
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